Thursday, October 16, 2008

Complete Final Swirly Pendant

UPS finally found my package with the metal for the neck wire... so the swirly pendant is now 100% finished. And may I say, it is an amazing piece.

The pictures just do not do it justice (because of the high polished rounded surfaces.)

But the reason it is so amazing is because it has some many different aspects to it. It has the client's grandmother's diamonds (sill set in the gold), my clients diamonds from a pair of earrings... and all set into an insane platinum swirl.

This is a show stopper.

Now I just need to find time that my client and I can actually get together so I can hand it off to her!!!

1 comment:

Vidya said...

It's beautiful.... so was her wedding jewelery... ask Gowri if she has a picture of grandma wearing her nose ring. you really got to see that

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